Tagged: Writing

  • When God Pulls The Engine On Our Writing

    by Sandy Kirby Quandt @SandyKQuandt One year when I attended the Iditarod Sled Dog Race Conference for Teachers in Anchorage, Alaska, a teacher told of an airplane ride she and several of the Iditarod sled dogs took with the Iditarod Air Force from a remote checkpoint in western Alaska to…

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  • Writer, Are You A Personality Geek?

    by Lynn Blackburn @LynnHBlackburn  I kind of am. I’m not to the point that I would claim to know and understand all the variants of all the different types out there, but I may get a little bit too excited when I read a description and have that “Oh, my word!…

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  • Why Writers Do More Than Write

    By W. Terry Whalin @terrywhalin From my earliest days as a journalist, I love to write a good story. Our world is filled with an infinite number of these stories. Someone must put their fingers on the keyboard and write these tales—whether true or created. An unfortunate aspect of the world…

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    By Aaron Gansky @ADGansky Ever met someone who plays the perpetual victim? Doesn’t much matter what happens to them, they spin events in such a way that they become the victim, either of other people’s actions, perceived actions, thoughts, fate, or cosmic events. I find it pretty tough to relate…

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  • 12 Topic Ideas for Scripture-Based Writing

    by Katy Kauffman @KatyKauffman28 After my second book, I ran into several dead ends. I thought maybe God wanted me to write about the book of Nehemiah. I have learned so much from Nehemiah’s story, but no, I wasn’t supposed to write about that. Then the gospel of Mark—another book…

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  • Why Write Poetry?

    By Cherrilynn Bisbano @bisbanowrites April is National Poetry Month. I don’t consider myself a poet, however, I wrote poems while working at a radio station as I listened to music. The lyrics of the songs inspired me. I collected them in a journal. Most of my poetry rhymes. I even…

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