Finding Identity as an Author
by Rachel Suffern @SuffernRachel “You’re pretty open about your art but you treat writing like a weird relative locked up in the attic.” This was my husband’s take on my creative endeavors over the past few years, possibly inspired by all the Bronte I’ve forced on him. It all began when…
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When A Writer Needs A Milkshake
by @WritesJody It was too late to back out. Ticket sales were live. Why did I agree to this? A few months ago, agreeing to speak at our women’s event seemed like this grand and brave idea from God, but now that it was three weeks away, it seemed like…
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Able, Willing and Ready to Write
by Jenny Cote I know what you’re thinking. “That title is in the wrong order! It should be, ‘Ready, Willing and Able to Write.’” No, smarty pants writer, the title is correct, according to God’s divine order of things. I’ll prove it to you. But first, let’s all give a…
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Ah, the Sweet Life
by Rhonda Rhea @RhondaRhea I don’t know why we’re always making things a lot more complicated than we need to, but repairs shouldn’t be rocket science. Unless you’re repairing rockets. For everything else it’s a lot simpler than we tend to make it. According to my grandfather, if it’s mechanical, you…
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by Diane Holmes How did I start on my writing journey? From a statement my mom made to me at a very early age about my paternal grandma, Bernadine. From that statement I knew exactly what the title of a good story could be, and for many years mentally wrote…
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Networking Tips For Conferences
By Debb Hackett @debb_hackett Yesterday DiAnn Mills told us about different ways to network. Today Debb Hackett tells us how to do it professionally. I’ve been told I’m a natural networker, because I know a lot of people. I’ve been accused of being a name dropper for the same reason.…
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