Declogging Our Minds
by Rhonda Rhea @RhondaRhea I had a little wrestling match with my vacuum cleaner recently. It was doing that wimpy-clean thing—you know, where you have to get down on your hands and knees and hand-feed it every little fuzz ball? If I’m going to do that, I might as well not…
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Every Writer has a Story
By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills Every writer has a story. Some of the behind-the-scenes events strike a gallant pose of purpose, education, and inspiration, while others are mediocre in the laborious uphill climb to the city on the hill called Publishville. If I’d majored in creative writing in college and earned…
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When The Writing Way Is Steep
by Sandy Kirby Quandt @SandyKQuandt As writers, when the writing way is steep in front of us and the challenge hard, do we concentrate on the incline of creating, believing it insurmountable, or do we keep putting one foot in front of the other, conquering the mountain one step at…
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When Writing: Show, Don’t Tell
By Bethany Jett, @BetJett Show, Don't Tell Arguably, this is one of the biggest sins of a writer, and yet it’s so easy to slip into what I call “tattle-tale mode.” Is the reader experiencing the story, or are they listening to me rattle on the details like my seven-year-old…
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The Danger of Adverbs in Writing
By Vincent B. Davis II, @vbdavisii "For all have sinned and fallen short of editorial perfection." This is one of my favorite quotes from Stephen King's On Writing. Isn't it true? No matter how hard we may try to correct, edit, and rewrite our manuscript, there is always something left…
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Excuses Writers Give For Not Writing
By Penny Reeve Do you know the most important characteristic of a writer? Yes, that’s correct. They write. Without writing there is no book, no poem, no blog, no review, no article, no story. Writers need to write, it’s what we do. It’s our craft, our skill, our work and…
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