Tagged: Writing

  • Writing a Quotable Book

    By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills Often editors state they are looking for a quotable book. For many writers, the idea is confusing. How is a quotable book defined? Does it mean an endorsement? Where do we find the appropriate statements? Is the request applicable to fiction and nonfiction? A quotable book…

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  • Raising the Bar on Christian Fiction

    By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills Have you ever heard a reader indicate they didn’t read Christian fiction because of poor writing? Either the characterization, plot, dialogue, setting, emotion, or description disappointed them. It’s always a good habit to evaluate our writing and how we can raise the bar and attract readers…

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  • What a Bear Taught Me About My Writing Platform

    By Heather Kreke @HKreke On Memorial Day a black bear wondered into our neighborhood and made himself (for the sake of this post I have decided the bear was a male) at home in a tree belonging to our neighbors three doors down. The bear stayed in the yard all…

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  • Do Writers Have Anything in Common With King David?

    by Sandy Kirby Quandt @SandyKQuandt Do writers have anything in common with King David? According to a keynote speaker at the North Texas Christian Writers Conference ten years ago, the answer is yes. And I would agree with her. In the summer of 2010 I attended one of my very…

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  • Having Trust In Your Writing

    By Larry Leech @LarryJLeechII My wife and I moved from Central Florida to South Carolina earlier this year. Often, people ask, “How’s it going?” I usually reply, “We’re adjusting to a new way of life in a new world.” After they respond they are as well, I explain that we…

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  • A Writer’s Getaway

    By Miriam Sarzotti @miriamsarzotti We could all use a break or a jolt of inspiration every now and then. With things slowly returning to normal, maybe it's time to plan a writers getaway. I'd like to share one of my getaway experiences with you. Chills ran up my spine as…

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