Tagged: Writing

  • Writing with Regional Expressions Using Regional Expressions in Writing

    Some time ago, I was writing a story and used a variation of the sentence, “He wished he could be a fly on the wall when they had that conversation.” This puzzled my critique partner, who didn’t know it meant. She had never heard the expression “fly on the wall”…

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  • Plan to Attend a Writers Conference PLAN Now to Attend a Writers Conference in 2019

    “I can’t go to a conference. It’s expensive, and I can’t get the time off,” my friend said. She was right. A conference costs time and money. If you ask anyone who has attended one, however, they will say it was worth every penny - and second - they spent.…

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  • authors keep writing Authors Don’t Quit Their Day Jobs

    Dear Authors, Publishing is a double-edged sword. It brings us great joy and equal frustration. Daily, publishers post information about the terrible state of the industry, driving us to ask the question, “Why do we even bother?” It’s this question that prompts my letter to authors, both new and seasoned.…

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  • 11 Ways to Ensure You’re not a Turkey-Writer

    @DiAnnMills 'Tis the season of the turkey. If you enjoy eating the Thanksgiving bird, then you love the season. If you’re the turkey, well not so much. You’ve probably spent the past year hatching ways to disguise yourself. For the turkey, I commend his ingenuity. For the turkey-writer, well not…

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  • I Wish I Had a Magic Bullet

    I want a magic bullet. Many of us do. We don’t want to admit it, but we secretly think that somewhere there’s one thing we’re missing and when we find it, all our publishing dreams will come true! Right? In my quest for the elixir of publishing success, several years…

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  • reasons we don't write 5 Reasons We Don’t Write

    by Alycia Morales @AlyciaMorales If you're following a blog about writing or hoping to attend a conference about writing, chances are there's a book somewhere inside of you. Some of us get right on it and have no problem getting the words on the page. Others of us struggle. Either…

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