Tagged: Writing

  • writer keep on Writer, Keep On Keeping On

    by DiAnn Mills @diannmills Writing is a series of keep on keeping on. Our minds are geared toward the latest project while balancing social media and staying up to date on the craft and changes in the publishing industry. We waken at 3 a.m. with a forgotten deadline looming over…

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  • Overcoming Depression after a Writers Conference

    by Robin Luftig @RobinLuftig Attending a writer’s conference is one of the best investments an author-in-waiting can make. But beware. Nobody ever tells you to watch out for the depression that may be lurking when you get home. Think about the months prior to the conference. You put all your…

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  • The Creative Flow

    by Sarah Van Diest @SarahVanDiest The Entry Picture yourself sitting where you write. You have your keyboard or your pen and paper, however you write, and you are ready to begin your work for the day. The ambiance you love writing in has fully surrounded you. Perhaps it’s the warm sun…

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  • writing genre fiction Why Write Genre Fiction?

    by Aaron Gansky @adgansky Here’s a question more people should ask me about my writing, but don’t: Why do you write speculative fiction? What’s the point? What possible good can it do, especially for a Christian audience? The likely reason people don’t ask me this is because I tend to surround…

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  • writing word counts How Many Words?

    by Brad Bloom @Faithfitnessmag You've been writing for what seems like forever, and last week you submitted your proposal. You've just received a letter from the editor saying, Congratulations! Your proposal to online.com has been accepted. Now, it’s time to get started. The big question on the top of your…

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  • 5 Tips for Choosing the Best Stories

    by Katy Kauffman     @KatyKauffman28 Stories are powerful tools for the nonfiction writer. They grab the reader’s attention, add personality to our writing, and illustrate the point we’re trying to make. Whether we’re writing a blog post, an article, or a book, how do we know which story is…

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