Tagged: Writing

  • Writing In Rain or Shine

    by Julie Zine Coleman @JulieZColeman This week, we woke to a strange sound on our roof: the pounding of intense rain. It’s been one of the driest summers we have ever experienced in Maryland, and a soaking rain has been rare. So we rejoiced at the much needed relief. Steve…

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  • When A Writer Needs To Wait

    By Cherrilynn Bisbano @bisbanowrites We all hate waiting. The lines at the supermarket are too long. The slow child getting ready for church. UGH! Even the Keurig seems slower. So what do we do after we hit send on a manuscript or query letter and it’s been two weeks? Pull…

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  • How do I know if that editor/agent/publisher is a good fit for my story?

    by A.C. Williams @ACW_Author Every editor, agent, publisher, or mentor at a Christian writing conference will be a perfect fit for you, your book, and your career as an author. True or False. I hope you said false, because that statement certainly isn’t true! And it's actually a really good…

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  • Overcoming Negative Mindsets That Keep You From Writing

    by Alycia W. Morales @AlyciaMorales You have an idea for a book. Maybe you have several. You want to impact the world with your writing, change lives, and feel like you’ve accomplished something amazing. Am I right? So why is it that when you sit down to write, your mind…

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  • “I’m A Local Author” – Participating in Vendor Events

    By Melissa Henderson @mimionlife  “I’m a local author.” This is one of the ways I greet people at vendor shows, book signings, and speaking events. These gatherings can be fun experiences for authors and readers. Participating in community activities is one way to share your writing with others. The key…

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  • Building Your Writing Audience

    by Blythe Daniel @BlytheDaniel You probably have been asked this question that frequently comes up in publishing discussions: “What are you doing to build your audience?” Some people cringe at this question, others excitedly share how they are meeting people, talking with them about the interest in their writing, and…

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