21 Things Genius Writers Search for In Their Manuscripts
by Alycia W. Morales @AlyciaMorales Have you taken yourself back to school with your self-editing methods? I often work with new writers who want to take their manuscripts to the next level, hoping to ace that query for an agent or catch that editor’s eye at the publishing house. And…
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Help for Writers Block
By Maureen Miller “Call to me and I will answer you, and will tell you great and hidden things that you have not known” (Jeremiah 33:3 ESV). There are times my mind feels as empty as the blank screen or page before me. Though I hold in my heart the call…
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How to Write Your Book’s Competitive Analysis
By Cherrilynn Bisbano @bisbanowrites Agent’s and publishers scan the Competitive Analysis section of a proposal to see if your book is similar enough to published books, yet different enough to grab those reader’s attention. It provides information on how well your book might sell. Publishers and agents love to a…
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Everything to Lose/Everything to Gain
by Rhonda Rhea @RhondaRhea I’m always so sincere when I say I’m only going to eat one of your fries. Like, I really do believe it. I think I believe it right up until I grab that next fry. Most of the time, I don’t blame myself. Is it okay if…
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Writing Advice You Can Safely Ignore
By Holland Webb @WebbHollandLyle You've heard the writing experts speak. "Tell the truth," they said, "eliminate extraneous verbiage, and (oh yeah!) build your platform." All good advice, I'm sure. But the experts don't always get it right. Sometimes, ideas crop up, get repeated by experts, and then writers believe them…
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Three Steps To Get Our Minds Back In The Writing Game
by Leigh DeLozier @lbdelozier As college football season got underway, several posts with the same theme popped up on my social media feeds: Don't forget to let your emotional wellbeing be dictated by kids in college playing football today. It was a tongue-in-cheek statement but can be true for some…
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