Tagged: Writing

  • Transform Your Dialogue Using Screenwriting Techniques

    By Leilani Squires When I edit novels, the two comments I most commonly make are, “All the characters sound the same” and “The dialogue is too stiff.” To solve these issues, try using some screenwriting techniques:  Listen You experience a movie through what is seen and heard. Our ears have…

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  • Procrastinators Unite! Later

    by Rhonda Rhea @RhondaRhea I think I told you I’m a procrastinator, right? Or did I put that off? The good news is, I’m pretty sure I now have my plan in place for dealing with Y2K. The other day I was pondering my reasons for procrastinating. And by “pondering my…

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  • Finding a Writing Mentor

    By Cindy Sproles @CindyDevoted "I hired a mentor. It was the best thing I'd ever done." Those words were music to my ears because I'd just done the same thing to help me content edit my novel. Why is a writing mentor necessary? Well, it's not NECESSARY, but it is…

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  • Transitioning to Storyland

    By Darlene L. Turner @darlenelturner So no matter what your task is, work hard. Always do your best as the Lord’s servant, not as man’s. Colossians 3:23 (VOICE) I think we can all agree, these past couple of years are ones we won’t forget. I know friends who’ve lost loved ones, jobs, struggled…

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    A Hands-on Experience Where Writers Practice As They Learn Plan to join us October 2 - 5, 2022 for the next Mountainside Novelist Retreat at Ridgecrest! Call 1-800-588-7222 to Register Today! Storytelling is the ancient art of entertaining others with a powerful story. What better way to learn the craft…

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  • Is Writing a Competitive Sport?

    by Ane Mulligan  @AneMulligan Men—at least in my experience—seem to think driving is a competitive sport. If I’m going to be turning right, I drive in the right lane, moving to the left only if the necessity presents itself then return to the right lane. Vice versa if I’m going…

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