Recharge Our Writing Batteries
By Darlene L. Turner @darlenelturner Do you ever feel like a zapped battery in need of recharging? Your deadlines are mounting and the clock is ticking? Are there times when you want to run away from everything and everybody? I have. And guess what? Jesus did too. He went to the…
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Favorite Writing Quotes from Edie Melson
As writers, it's important to interact with other people via social media. Creating and sharing memes is a wonderful way to do this. Keep these few things in mind about memes: It's not self-promotion (except for the link to our personal websites included in the meme in order to present…
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To Write Productively: Become Time Aware
By W. Terry Whalin @terrywhalin As a writer, I want to increase my writing and ability to publish (in any format). I’m basically saying I would like to be more productive. In this article, I want to explain a key to increasing your productivity: become time aware. For example, the timing…
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How to Sell 1000 Books in Three Months
by Susan U. Neal RN, MBA, MHS @SusanNealYoga How can a reader purchase your book if she doesn’t know it exists? God gave you a special message that can help many people. How do you get your message to more readers? Book marketing dominated the conversation at breakfast during the…
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A Check Up for Your Writer’s Heart
by Katy Kauffman @KatyKauffman28 We’re at the end of a year which has been full of ups and downs—we’ve experienced a little more freedom during this pandemic, but we’re still using caution and wisdom. My heart is ready for some Christmas joy. How about you? How is your writer’s heart?…
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So You Want to Write a Holiday Article
By Cherrilynn Bisbano @bisbanowrites As a new writer I submitted an article about one of my fondest Christmas memories. A few magazines liked it, but I submitted it too late. The article evoked emotion, solved a problem, and captured the essence of Christmas. The publications did not tell me when…
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