Last month, I began looking at Kurt Vonnegut’s 8 rules for writing fiction. I’ll continue my dissection of his rules this month and look at the second rule. This one’s pretty juicy, guys. You ready? Here it is:
- Give the reader at least one character he or she can root for. –Kurt Vonnegut
I’m going to go ahead and say it. This is a rule that should never be broken. In fact, the simple brilliance of this line is so stunning that I really wish I’d said it first. If ever there was a rule that had its finger on the pulse of fiction, this would be it. We could make cases and argue over the others, but this one I think we have to concede: there’s really no way around it.
Of course there will be naysayers. There’s always someone to assert their rebellious spirit and shout loudly that there are no rules in fiction, that rules were made to be broken, and that true genius can find a way around the boundaries we mere mortals erect for ourselves. I have to believe that these people exist because I used to be one of them. However, I think that even the most obstinate “freedom writer” out there must tip his or her hat to Vonnegut on this one.
To those of you who may still feel that there are ways around this, think of it this way: maybe there are. But why would you want to take them?
I’d also say that this rule does not mean that we must “like” the protagonist, but it sure does help. I’ll use Vonnegut’s Slaughterhouse Five as an example. For those of you who’ve not read it, the book follows Billy Pilgrim, a World War II veteran and survivor of the Dresden fire bombings in Germany. The premise is that he’s come unstuck in time and he jumps back and forth to random points in his life.
What’s interesting about it is that Billy Pilgrim is far from what we would call a hero. Vonnegut even goes so far as to say that there are no heroes or villains in the book. And he’s right. Billy does not behave like a hero—especially not a war hero. He never kills anyone, never even handles a weapon. In fact, most of his time in the war is spent hoping that he’d simply just die. Nearly every moment of Billy’s life is mundane, boring, and often tragic. But it is the tragedy of Billy’s life that make us root for him. We want so desperately for something good to happen to him, even though he’s no Stallone or Schwarzenegger. He feels as much like a real person as you can get, even though he’s a bit of a loser. And thusly, he becomes sympathetic.
Rooting for a character does not mean you have to “like” them in the normal sense of the word. I’d never invite Billy Pilgrim over for dinner. But I sure don’t want him to die. I want something good to happen to him. I want him to find some moment of happiness. In several ways, the novel is about that—Pilgrim’s quest for contentment. He seldom finds it, but when he does, the moments are that much sweeter.
Take a moment to reflect on the novels you’ve read. Which stand out as the best? Which characters did you find yourself most pulling for? Do you recall any in which you didn’t care whether the character succeeded or not? Now think of what you’re currently writing. Who is the reader rooting for? Are there several, or only one? Are there any at all?
In case you missed the rest of the series here are the links:
As Writers We Must Use Our Pages Wisely – Part 1
The “Root” of Fiction – Part 2
Kurt Vonnegut’s 8 Rules for Writing Fiction – Part 3
Kurt Vonnegut’s Fourth Rule for Writing – Part 4
Kurt Vonnegut’s 8 rules for Writing Fiction – Part 5
Kurt Vonnegut’s Sixth Rule for Writing Fiction – Part 6
Kurt Vonnegut’s Seventh Rule for Writing Fiction – Part 7
Kurt Vonnegut’s Eighth (and Final) Rule for Writing Fiction – Part 8
In addition to being a loving father and husband, Aaron Gansky is an award-winning novelist and author, teacher, and podcast host. In 2009, he earned his M.F.A in Fiction at the prestigious Antioch University of Los Angeles, one of the top five low-residency writing schools in the nation. Prior to that, he attained his Bachelor of Arts degree in English with an emphasis in Creative Writing from California State University of San Bernardino.
He lives in quiet little town in the high desert of southern California with his family.
The Conversation
Most of his rules I agree with, but #7 seems to negate #1, and I’ll be interested to see how you dissect number 8. However, I think this one, giving the reader at least 1 character to root for is absolutely spot on.
It’s difficult for me to enjoy a book when the characters aren’t worthy of success. You want them to succeed, to do the right thing and accomplish their goals. Thanks for the challenge to analyze my own writing.