by Eva Marie Everson
Sometime in 2017—I’m almost sure it was, I attended the Blue Lake Christian Writers Retreat, held in a lovely, wooded area outside of Andalusia, AL. I had my own room there. In all honesty, it was anything to write home about, but it was quiet and clean. There was a bed, of course. A desk with a folded piece of 8 x 11.5-inchpaper I didn’t bother to look at. This wasn’t the Ritz, but I wasn’t on vacation, so . . .
On the last day of the retreat, as I headed out of the room for the last time, dragging my suitcase behind me, I notice the paper again. I heard a whisper in my heart. Pick it up. So I did. Three days later I took a good look at that piece of paper, which held information about the retreat center’s prayer labyrinth which held four paths: The Path of Silence … The Path of Memory … The Path of Prayer . . . and The Path of Questioning.
Over the next several weeks, I researched prayer labyrinth, it’s unique history and how they have regained popularity again in the past few years. I studied silence . . . and memory . . . and prayer . . . and . . .
I don’t have that many questions for God. I also didn’t have my own labyrinth to pray in, so I created one within the pages of my journal. On the second day of “journaling the labyrinth,” I let God know I didn’t know how to handle this part of the new journey I found myself “walking” on. That’s when the still, small voice came again: Not your questions. My questions.
Within days, my journal pages began to fill with the questions God has asked–the ones we’ve seen recorded in Scripture. Where are you?; What have you done?; Where are you from and where are you going? Questions God already had the answers to, but by asking, we are left to examine ourselves in the results. What is it you want from me? left me nearly staggering for the remainder of the day.
I flipped the third and fourth paths, making The Path of Questioning the third path.
In 2018, I taught the workshop as a continuing class at the Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers Conference . . . and the results . . . well, I was humbled at how powerfully God moved.
I have since taught the workshop at a number of venues and wrote the book The Third Path, which released as a #1 release at Amazon, as a tool for those taking the workshop and those who may never get to take the workshop.
Once again, this coming May, I will teach my ongoing class, Writing to Learn Who You are in Christ, Who Christ is in You, And Why He Called You in the First Place (based on The Third Path), at BRMCWC. I only take ten conferees!
So, let’s start with Question #1: What are you waiting for?
To pre-register, email Eva Marie at PenNhnd@aol.com with New Practicum in the subject line.
Eva Marie is a best-selling and multiple award-winning author and speaker. Her awards include being a Christy finalist, a Silver Medallion winner, a Carol recipient, several Maggie and Golden Scroll awards, and an Inspirational Retailers Choice Award. Her work, The One True Love of Alice-Ann, was named by BookList as among the top ten titles of inspirational fiction for 2017. Her newest release (March 2021) is Dust, a work that took 2½ years.
Eva Marie is one of the original five Word Weavers members, which began in 1997. She served first as the original president (2000-2007) and is now president of Word Weavers International, Inc., which serves writers primarily as a national and international group of critique and educational chapters.
Eva Marie writes both fiction and nonfiction works. She served as a mentor for the Jerry B. Jenkins Christian Writers Guild for several years and has taught at a number of writers conferences nationwide. During the 2010-2011 school year, Eva Marie served as an adjunct professor at Taylor University in Upland, Indiana. Eva Marie also serves as director of Florida Christian Writers Conference and as a private writing coach and editor.
Born and reared in Georgia, Eva Marie and her husband make their home in Central Florida where they are owned by one spoiled cat and two hearts-full of grandchildren.
The Conversation
I took this class, and it was life changing. I’ve started to read my Bible differently, personalizing it like never before. Thank you for this class, Eva. Thank you for sharing what God showed you.
I am very excited to have been led to your site! I have recently published a children’s picture book for kids facing the new experience of having an MRI scan done for the first time. It is my hope to reach children who are scared of this and bring them some peace and comfort. I have personally had many of these done, over the past 29 years and am proud to now call myself a brain tumor survivor! I self published my book on Amazon, with the incredible help of my aunt to edit and get my book out there!bShe has a friend who has attended one of your workshops, or enrolled in one of your classes. Great things were said about you and the resources you are able to offer to new authors such as me.