By Debb Hackett @debb_hackett
The heady sent of pumpkin spice is in the air, in some places, it’s even a little chilly (not so much in others yet), and children are hitting the books. The NFL season is underway and these things in combination tell us one thing—fall semesters have begun. Perhaps because we still have school age children (two teenage daughters-mercy), school returning after summer break always feels cathartic. The girls are beginning a new year of study, and so I try to take stock and course correct before the holiday mayhem takes hold.
At time of writing, we are eighteen hours from the packers coming to move us (military family). This is our tenth move in almost twenty-five years together. And because of that, I’m keeping this brief. I hope you can forgive me (you may even thank me).
This is where I believe everything starts. Thank the Lord for the task he’s given you, because what a glorious thing, to be called by the God of Heaven and Earth to do something to further his kingdom. Just wow. Then ask him for wisdom in using time wisely.
Do you have a writing schedule you can stick to? Pantsers, I’m looking at you! Seriously though, I’m not a plotter, but I do love a good schedule. I take each week and fill in the things I must do—groceries, appointments, school run etc. then see what time is left and decide how I’m going to fill it. Whether it’s writing, personal study, review reading, working on platform. I have Susan May Warren’s My Brilliant Writing Planner, but there are also lots of free printable time blocking sheets available online. They’ve worked well for me in the past.
Once you’ve set aside time for writing, who love a good list? I’m a writer so obviously writing in on the correct stationary makes all the difference. But really, there are lots of ways to make lists. I have Post-Its stuck on my desk with writerly tasks, digital Post-Its on my desktop with the order of book I need to read to review, and I use the reminders app on my phone for groceries. That might be list overload, but I highly recommend picking one and working your way through. Then there’s the fun of checking off as tasks are accomplished.
As good as I am about blocking off time and making a list, I can get easily distracted. The solution there is to turn off notifications, silence the phone, shut down email and schedule breaks to check those things, flip laundry or fulfill another task. That way, the stuff of life work won’t keep bugging you while you try to focus. Additionally, find a low distraction space. If home is too tempting with chores, go to a coffee shop or if you have a laptop, drive somewhere quiet for an hour and work in your car.
An important part of ramping up productivity is having soldi goals. Ones that are measurable and achievable. The old adage holds true that you can only steer a car correctly if you know where you’re going.
This is obvious, but I’ll expand anyway. When someone is checking in to make sure you’ve done what you said you were going to do, you’re more likely to get it done. Some of us are great at personal motivation and can focus (me and drafting). Others tend to wander off task and be able to justify that in their own minds, like a boss (me and revising). If there’s a third party holding you accountable, then that helps you stay on task.
The word NO
This is one of the greatest productivity tools out there. It’s all very well being helpful and generous with your time. But if serving others is preventing you from fulfilling God’s call on your life, it’s time to reassess your yesses and nos. Enough said.
Finally, when you have set your schedule and looked at your list, decide what a brilliant effort looks like and plan for a reward for after that. I’m not suggesting a new car or designer shoes, but a fancy coffee, lunch out, something that is suitable for your budget and matches your accomplishment.
Over to you – do you have any productivity tips that you can
Writer, broadcaster and speaker Debb Hackett has been a radio journalist for more than twenty years. Married to a Royal Air Force test pilot, Debb has written a Bible study for military wives.
A regular contributor to the Advanced Writers and Speakers Devotional Arise Daily, she’s also been privileged to writer chapters for Write Well Sell Well. For now, based near London, England she’s having lots of fun working on a contemporary romance series and was an ACFW Genesis award semi-finalist in 2020.
When she’s not writing, Debb can be found leading worship, playing bass or skiing. If you can swing by her house while she’s making scones, that would also be a win.
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