By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills
Our health is reflected in our writing, and that is a direct reflection of what we eat, daily exercise, and state of mind. All three weave together to ensure writers stay on top of their game.
Take a few minutes to enlist the acronym for ENERGY—a surefire way to keep polished and publishing along into the next year.
E – Exercise
Not everyone has the same interest and enthusiasm for a daily workout, but 21 – 30 days sends a practice into a habit. Try it! The result is our brains will be firing on all cylinders. Oh, the creativity will be amazing!
N – Nutrition
“We are what we eat” is fortunately or unfortunately true. When we load our diets with lean protein, whole grains, and lots of fruits and veggies, our bodies thank us. They’re meant to last a lifetime.
E – Entertainment
Another adage is, “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.” Balance work and play and laugh away the stress and overwhelmed mode that often accompanies a weary body. Muscles relax and creativity takes a boost when writers feed their bodies with healthy fun.
R – Rest
Eight hours of sleep allows the plot and character problems to resolve while writers are in dreamland. Those who don’t receive the proper amount of sleep are more likely to gain weight and catch viruses? Face it, writers, we can’t write when we’re tired and sick.
G – Gift
Cherish the gift of writing. Not everyone has the wonderful ability to communicate through the written word. Embrace it and don’t neglect developing the craft. Share your precious gift with others.
Y – You
It’s always back to the individual writer. We strive to produce the best manuscripts and incorporate social media, and the best way is to fill our lives with energy.
How do you keep your body energized?
DiAnn Mills is a bestselling author who believes her readers should expect an adventure. Her titles have appeared on the CBA and
ECPA bestseller lists; won two Christy Awards; and been finalists for the RITA, Daphne Du Maurier, Inspirational Readers’ Choice, and Carol award contests. Library Journal presented her with a Best Books 2014: Genre Fiction award in the Christian Fiction category for Firewall.
DiAnn is a founding board member of the American Christian Fiction Writers, a member of Advanced Writers and Speakers Association, Suspense Sister, and International Thriller Writers. She is co-director of The Blue Ridge Mountain Christian Writers Conference and The Author Roadmap with social media specialist Edie Melson. She teaches writing workshops around the country. DiAnn is active online and would love to connect with readers on any of the social media platforms listed at www.diannmills.com.
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