BRMCWC is happy to offer video services this year!
Hamlet productions is excited to be partnering with Blue Ridge Mountains Writers Conference to help creators and writers make quality video content.
They will help you film video content at the conference. Each appointment will be twenty minutes long. Services include guidance, lighting and editing. You will receive 10-15 minutes of professionally edited video to use as you wish.
More details in the video. Or you can check out their Facebook page, or website.
To make an appointment click here or use your phone camera to follow the QR code below.
The Conversation
I signed up for BRMCWC next week and With Hamlet Productions for May 29th at 11:00am. Sadly I am not able to attend due to extended deadlines. Please cancel my time slot. I wanted to give the opportunity to someone else for that 11:00 am.
I do hope to attend the next and if you are attending with your company I will be ready to use your personalized services.
Thank you Pamela Peters