by Alycia W. Morales @AlyciaMorales
How do you thank an author who has poured into you or your writing career?
Authors make a habit of encouraging others to reach their full potential as writers in a variety of ways. Some have poured into me as they’ve mentored me along my writing journey. Others have given me feedback on various writing pieces. Some have given constructive criticism that has caused me to change my way of thinking about some element of writing. And still others have blessed me with their wisdom and teaching at conferences and through online events.
What do you do to thank these authors?
Here are 7 Ways to Say Thank You to An Author:
- Write a thank you note. This is probably the easiest and quickest way to say thank you. Remember to tell them what it was they did for you, and if you have an immediate positive outcome from taking their advice, share it. Authors love to know their advice has translated into the success of another.
- Buy them a coffee. Or whatever else they may like to drink. Have a great appointment at the conference? See them in line at the coffee shop? Say thank you by offering to buy their beverage. If you don’t have this opportunity, most like gift cards to Starbucks or Dunkin’ Donuts or the local coffee shop.
- Write a review. Positive, 4- or 5-star reviews go a long way toward bumping an author’s books up the charts on amazon. Don’t stop at amazon alone, though. You can leave reviews on GoodReads, Barnes and Noble, and more. Spread the love!
- Write another review. Send the author an email with a review of their services and permission to use it on their sites. This is particularly helpful if they have side jobs as editors, agents, web designers, brand developers, etc.
- Send them a token of your appreciation. Maybe it’s a gift card to amazon. Maybe they are willing to give you an address where you could send a small gift, like a desktop sign, a coffee mug, or something you know they are fond of. Etsy and RedBubble are two of my favorite places to shop for things like these.
- Promote their latest novels or nonfiction books to your friends and family. Word of mouth truly does go far in this business. Share on Facebook or Instagram or Twitter.
- Give them a shoutout on social media. This doesn’t have to be attached to their books. If you managed to get a photo taken with them, share the pic and how they helped you. Include how wonderful the author is, and encourage others to follow him or her at their social media hangouts.
Authors love to hear from their readers and fellow writers, so don’t hesitate to contact them and encourage them in return. Saying thank you is a great reminder that what they are doing truly is making a difference in this world and others’ lives. Say thank you today.
What’s one way you, as a writer, appreciate being thanked? Let’s make this list longer in the comments below.
Alycia Morales is an author and freelance editor with really thick skin. An introvert at heart, she comes alive when networking at writers conferences. She has been published in magazines such as Splickety Love and Thriving Family. Her devotions and short stories have been in multiple anthologies. Her editing clients have won several awards for their writing.
When she isn’t busy writing and editing, she loves to read, go hiking, and craft. She lives in Upstate SC with her hubby, four kids, and several pets. She can always be bribed with chocolate.
The Conversation
Wonderful suggestions! (Especially the reviews part. 🙂 )