We All Cry Over Our Books

by Lynn Blackburn @LYNNHBLACKBURN

When I was pursuing publication, there were many days when I stared at my computer in despair. I longed for the days when the steep learning curve was over. I dreamed of sitting down at my computer and pounding out words with confidence and clarity. Oh, I knew every day wouldn’t be a trip through the light fantastic, but I assumed that over time the frustration I experienced while writing would lessen.

I also thought it would be amazing to have author friends. Authors who have been there, done that. Who know how the process works. Who have it all figured out.

Yeah. About that.

It is a.maz.ing to have author friends. Phenomenal. But the rest of it? Not so much.

Published or pre-published, writing these days is tough. It feels like every author I know is struggling with something that is impacting their creativity.

We tend to talk about it in general terms, but sometimes we need to know we aren’t alone. And because my author friends are truly amazing, when I reached out to them and asked permission to share some of our texts/emails/FB messages with you, they graciously agreed.

What you’re about to read are real and unedited except when necessary to preserve anonymity. These are also representative samples of messages that get sent with some frequency.

(And it’s okay to laugh at our pain. We do it all the time).

First, I give you “my subconscious is messing with me”




This is “revisions have landed”



This is one I call “scream”



Here we have “It’s worse than before”



This is the recurring “wait, is this too much?”



“Can’t land the plane” is a frequent flyer



“My book is a dumpster fire” also is a regular in the rotation



Last but not least, I present to you “we all cry over our books” – I thought about not sharing this one because it’s tender and raw, but maybe somebody needs to see it.










Lynn H. Blackburn loves writing romantic suspense because her childhood fantasy was to become a spy, but her grown-up reality is that she’s a huge chicken and would have been caught on her first mission. She prefers to live vicariously through her characters and loves putting them into all kinds of terrifying situations while she’s sitting at home safe and sound in her pajamas!

Unknown Threat, the first book in her Defend and Protect series, was a 2021 Christy Award finalist, and her previous titles have won the Carol Award, the Selah Award, and the Faith, Hope, and Love Reader’s Choice Award.

She is a frequent conference speaker and has taught writers all over the country. Lynn lives in South Carolina with her true love and their three children. You can follow her real life happily ever after by signing up for her newsletter at LynnHBlackburn.com and @LynnHBlackburn on Bookbub, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram.

The Conversation

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    The Conversation

  1. Ane Mulligan says:

    I’m laughing here because I go through it too. So do my CPs. Yet, in the end … somehow it all comes together. Only God.

  2. Felicia Ferguson says:

    Oh my goodness, thank you for sharing these! Like the texter in the last post said, I’m glad as well to not be alone in this.” The novella-dragging conversation especially hit home. I actually asked my prayer partner to “pray for this #$#% thing to end!” LOL. Thank God it finally did, but I dread getting it back from my editors and having to look at it AGAIN!

  3. Judi Clarke says:

    Thank you so much for sharing these honest messages. It shows me that I’m not alone when it gets hard, when I’m confused, when I ask myself “Who am I kidding? How did I ever think I had anything to say?” and I just don’t think I can do it. And it shows me that I need writing friends even more than I realized, so I can be that honest with someone in the midst of it all. So, thank, Lynn and friends for being willing to put those private moments in your writing lives into print for the rest of us to glean encouragement from.

  4. Pam Halter says:

    I can’t imagine doing this writing thing alone. Who else can REALLY understand what we writers go through??

    And yeah, there are days when I wonder if cleaning out septic systems would be easier. And then I write the most brilliant revision on the face of the planet and I’m, like, YES! I can do this FOREVER!!! hahaha!

  5. Penny Reeve says:

    This is SO good. Thank you for sharing these with us. Such an encouragement for those days when everything seems to be going from bad to worse, catching fire or stuck in the holding pattern of creative disaster.

  6. Debbie Wilson says:

    Love this! As I read it to avoid writing. 🙂