By Cherrilynn Bisbano @bisbanowrites
My mouth would not stop bleeding.
I had a skin graft taken from the roof of my mouth and placed at the base of a tooth to prevent the loss of that tooth. The initial surgery was not painful, just uncomfortable.
The surgeon told me it should heal quickly.
At the time of surgery I was a new believer, I was learning how to pray; I did not pray for my mouth to heal. I thought it was too small and insignificant to God.
He had bigger problems to solve, like world hunger, and human trafficking.
It was time for the one-week checkup. My report of increased pain, discomfort and bleeding worried the surgeon.
I don’t know why you are not healing, are you doing everything I asked you to do?
“Yes,” I said.
A voice inside my head said, “Pray and ask Me to heal you.”
I left the dental office with an appointment to return in five days; I heard the voice again.
“Pray and ask Me to heal you.”
It couldn’t be God; He had bigger concerns.
I headed to church for the prayer meeting. I never missed it. I love to intercede on the behalf of others.
As I sat in pain, blood at the corner of my mouth, I hesitated to ask for prayer, but the words echoed in my head, “Pray and ask me to heal you.”
After we prayed for our country, missionaries and lost souls, I spoke.
“My mouth has not healed from surgery; it’s been over two weeks, and the surgeon is concerned. It is such a small thing. I don’t even want to ask for prayer, but it’s getting worse.”
I fixed my eyes on the floor in front of me.
My pastor spoke, “Cherrilynn, your Heavenly Father is concerned about your mouth. He wants you to come to Him with everything. Nothing is insignificant to Him. Now go ahead, pray for yourself.”
As I prayed the discomfort subsided, and the bleeding stopped.
On the way home I thanked God for healing my mouth and caring about every detail in my life.
I returned to the surgeon.
“Your mouth looks so much better, What did you do?”
I prayed.
Do you feel your writing is unimportant? Maybe no one visits your blog and loneliness creeps in. The evil one whispers, You have nothing to offer, just stop writing.
You are not alone. Every author I encounter expresses these feelings—even the best-selling writers. God called you to pen for a purpose. He may not reveal the reason immediately.
I often feel my writing doesn’t matter. Yes, I know God cares but I often dwell on the lies and not the truth. Do you struggle too?
So, what do we do to combat the lies of feeling insignificant?
Praise God Continually– “I will bless the LORD at all times; his praise shall continually be in my mouth.” Psalm 34:1 (ESV)
Read His Word Daily- “I have stored up your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you.” Psalm 119:11 (ESV)
Ask for assurance-“And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive, if you have faith.” Matthew 21:22 (ESV)
Yoke & Yield to Jesus– “Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.” Matthew 11:29 (ESV)
“Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.” James 4:7 (ESV)
Praising God empowers us to focus on His detailed love and care for us. Our burdens are lifted as the Holy Spirit reminds us about the greatness of our Father in heaven. When we don’t feel like praising God, we MUST do it anyway. When we develop an attitude of worship, everything we think, do. and say will reflect God’s glory.
As we memorize His word and allow it to change our attitude and eradicate the sin of unbelief, we become more like Christ, knowing we are called for a purpose.
When we practice prayer and memorizing His word, we become confident to ask God anything in accordance with His will because we are assured He cares for us.
Yoke and Yield relieve stress. Farmers often yoked an older, more experienced animal, to guide the young animal through the learning process. The stronger animal bore the burden as the weaker one learned. Let’s allow Jesus to guide us and teach us as we yield to him. Yield also mean to submit. When we submit to or Creator, His power enables us to understand and accept God’s care, concern, and love.
Do you feel insignificant as a writer? How will you P.R.A.Y.? Join the conversation.
If you struggle with doubt about your writing, please email me and we can PRAY.
Cherrilynn Bisbano is an award-winning writer, coach, editor, and speaker. As former managing editor of Almost an Author, she helped the website earn the #6 spot on the Top 100 best writing websites for 2018 by The Write Life and Top 101 Websites for writers with Writers Digest. Cherrilynn is a speaker with Women Speakers. Her topics include leadership, book proposals, and the Bible.
She is a two-time winner of Flash Fiction Weekly. Her work in progress, Accidental Findings, won the first 10 pages award with, When Words Count Retreat. You can find her published in Blue Ridge Writers Blog, Southern Writers, More to Life (MTL), Christian Rep, Christian Voice, Refresh, and other online magazines. Cherrilynn is a contributor to award-winning, Get to the Margins-Author Anthology; Breaking the Chains; Heart Reno, Kiss Guilt Goodbye; and Chicken Soup for the Soul-Miracles books. Her latest book, Shine Don’t Whine, released October 2020. Cherrilynn proudly served in the Navy and Air National Guard, earning the John Levitow Military leadership award. She lives with her eighteen-year-old son, Michael, Jr., and husband of 22 years. Cherrilynn loves Christ, Chocolate, coffee, and Cats. You will often find her on the beach sea glass hunting.
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