Writer, Whats Holding You Back?

By Twila Belk @TwilaBelk

Are you familiar with the story in Numbers 13-14? 

God told Moses to send one leader from each ancestral tribe to explore the land of Canaan. He emphasized that it was the land He was giving to the Israelites.

So, Moses did as God commanded and sent twelve spies into their promised land. They observed the people who lived there and their culture. They took notes on the territory and its abundant resources. They experienced the fruit. In fact, they cut off a cluster of grapes so big that two of the men had to carry it on a pole between them.

After 40 days, they returned from their secret mission and gave Moses and the whole Israelite community their report. “The land really does flow with milk and honey. Check out this fruit!” 

Caleb and Joshua, two of the leaders, saw the potential there. They trusted God to fulfill His promise to the Israelites. However, the remaining ten spies allowed their BIG BUTS to get in the way.

“BUT the people who live there are powerful. BUT the cities are fortified and very large. BUT the descendants of Anak live there. BUT the people are stronger than we are. BUT the land we explored devours those living in it. BUT the people we saw were of great size. BUT we seemed like grasshoppers in our own eyes and looked the same to them.”

Because of unbelief, the ten spies and the whole Israelite assembly lost their opportunity to live in the Promised Land. Only Joshua and Caleb eventually attained it.

Consider how this Old Testament account could apply to you as a writer preparing to attend the BRMCWC. Here are a few ways to eliminate BIG BUTS: 

  • “Explore the land.” Take time to read the bios of the BRMCWC faculty and the classes they offer. Check out their websites (if they have one) and get ideas for possible topics of conversation, even if you don’t plan to attend their classes. Set a goal to have this done before the conference starts.
  • Try to connect with other writers on the FB Blue Ridge Writers Conference Group. Arrange with a few of them to sit together for a meal at the conference. You might even find a potential roommate from this group.
  • As you connect with others, refrain from playing the comparison game. Instead, encourage one another and gain knowledge from those who are more experienced than you.
  • Take advantage of the abundant resources available to you online and learn about one-sheets, how to handle one-on-one appointments at the conference, how to create a proposal, and more. Agency blogs are a good place to start.
  • Refuse to listen to naysayers and those trying to discourage you. (That includes negative messages you give yourself.) Keep in mind what God has already done in your life to bring you to this point.
  • Pray for divine appointments at the conference and trust God to guide your steps.
  • Remember the fruit—the joy of knowing how words can change lives.

The BRMCWC can benefit you in many ways, so don’t let BIG BUTS leave you behind.

I look forward to seeing you there and encouraging you on your journey!


Also known as the Gotta Tell Somebody Gal, Twila Belk is a writer and speaker who loves bragging on God. She has authored eight books and contributed to many others, as well as written numerous articles and promotional materials. She’s also supported veteran author Cecil Murphey as his associate since 2007, working behind the scenes on book-related projects and interacting with the media, editors, agents, publishers, conference directors, and other industry professionals. A former bookstore owner and conference director, Twila has a good amount of experience in the field of publishing and enjoys brainstorming and working with aspiring writers.

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