By Tammy Karasek @tickledpinktam
I love handwriting letters and cards. I’ve enjoyed doing so for as long as I can remember. I watched my mom and grandmother faithfully write letters and cards and it’s a habit I acquired as well.
Were you one for pen pals when you were younger? My first pen pal when I was ten years old was a girl from New York I met through a youth magazine. I lived in NE Ohio and was excited to have a friend in New York. In the back of the magazine a page listed girls seeking pen pals. Your name and address would appear there and you chose whom you wrote to. Yes, showing my age on this one. Today we can no longer put a young girl’s name and address in a magazine.
Through the years I’ve continued writing to friends and family. I send cards for birthdays or a note when someone comes to mind. I expect nothing in return. I feel I’m called to write. It’s like a natural way to flex my writing muscles.
I’m not the only one who sees the value in handwriting a note or letter. There are now National Days, weeks and months set aside to encourage us to hand write a note. Here are a few:
- Universal Letter Writing Week Second full week of January
- National Handwriting Day January 23 each year
- National Card and Letter Writing Month April
- National Day on Writing October 20 each year
- I Love to Write Day November 15
- National Letter Writing Day December 7 each year
Fun fact for National Handwriting Day, January 23—it is John Hancock’s birthday. We all remember him—he was the first man to sign the Declaration of Independence. His name is often used when someone will ask you for your signature, “Can I have your John Hancock, here?”
Writers, don’t get me wrong, I love my keyboard. But there’s something to the rhythm of handwriting. It causes us to slow down and think of what we’re writing. I know of an author who writes her entire fiction novels by hand first. This becomes her first draft. From those sheets, she types the book into her laptop, correcting along the way. Second draft—done.
I enjoy writing by hand so much, I’ve built a collection of Fountain Pens and bottles and bottles of colored inks. But that story is for another day. And I’m not tattling on myself regarding the selection of cards and stationery, either.
If you’ve ever received a handwritten note, how did that make you feel? I think of the time it took the writer to pull out the paper or card, write the note, and send it off to me. I feel special. I’m guessing you may feel that as well. Wouldn’t you like to send a hug and a smile in an envelope, too?
You’re a writer and know how to use words. You were called to write, but if your calling came to you like mine did in a sermon, I don’t believe the calling said Write a Book. More than likely, it was just as my answer from God came—write. Just write. Write it all.
Dear writers, I challenge you. Let’s bring back handwritten notes and cards. With so many days that acknowledge the art of handwriting, let’s add that into our writing time as a regular habit. Pray for God to bring to mind a person or two that could use a handwritten note from you this week. If you want to take handwriting further, carry a paper tablet and write your blog posts, articles or books by hand, first.
I must go. It’s my turn to handwrite my friend a note. Oh no! I sound like my grandma who exchanged letters with her sister every other week…but only on her scheduled week even when she had news to share. Must wait for her turn. Grin.
What about you? Do you often sit down and handwrite a note, your blog post, or even your book?
Tammy Karasek uses humor and wit to bring joy and hope to every aspect in life. Her past, filled with bullying and criticism from family, drives her passion to encourage and inspire others and show them The Reason to smile. She’s gone from down and defeated to living a “Tickled Pink” life as she believes there’s always a giggle wanting to come out!
She’s a writer of Romantic Suspense—with a splash of sass. Her debut book, Launch That Book, released in November 2023. She’s published in a Divine Moments Compilation Book—Cool-inary Moments. Also, she’s a writing team member for The Write Conversation, The Write Editing, Blue Ridge Conference Blog, and more.
Known as The Launch Team Geek, she helps authors launch their books. You’ll also find her as a Virtual Assistant for several best-selling authors, the Social Media Manager for the Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers Conference, Founding President of ACFW Upstate SC, and Founding President of Word Weavers Upstate SC. Connect with Tammy at https://www.tammykarasek.com.
The Conversation
Yes, I do send hand-written letters. I’ve been missing writing fiction and poetry with notebook and pen, so after I finish this novel draft, I’m going to write a few short stories by hand. It’ll be fun!
Yes, do!’
Yes, do!
I love sending and receiving handwritten cards in the snail mail. 🙂 I’m part of a group that sends cards to different nursing homes each week. Sending cards is one way to bless and to be blessed. 🙂
Love that, Melissa!
Interesting ideas about handwriting. I know a number of bestselling authors who handwrite their first draft on a legal pad. I do handwrite some notes but my issue is my poor handwriting–even my printing. Often I can’t read it after I’ve written it–which does not make for good communication. I celebrate the people who can do it.
author of Book Proposals That $ell, 21 Secrets To Speed Your Success (Revised Edition) [Follow the Link for a FREE copy]
Amen, Tammy. It’s a lost art!
Sure is! Gone like cursive! Lol!
Love this!
And I agree, let’s bring back the hand written communication. I’ve got a few cards I need to write and post this week.
As a writer I use a mix of typing and hand writing. Picture books are often written by hand, then typed into a document, then written all over again by hand, then typed up yet again. I brew and brainstorm a lot by hand, and journal by hand too. Long form novels or essays I usually type, but need the hard copy for edits!
I actually do my novel writing with paper and pen first, and then type it up. It’s nice because I don’t end up staring at a screen needlessly, and it also keeps me from doing any editing right away… sometimes that internal editor needs to be turned off so I can just plow forward.
I live in North Carolina and had many pen pals throughout my teens. They lived in several states, and we lost touch after life took us in different directions. All except one. In 1953, at the age of 16 I found Emma’s name some place, I don’t recall where. She, too, was 16 and lived in California. Our hand-written letters ended only with her death in 2013–60 years of friendship by U. S. Mail. I still miss her.